And I have to agree with him. And the funniest thing is probably that Obama still managed to accomplish pretty big steps during his Presidency. Such as the “Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare), or achieving some kind of ease of US image overseas. Anyways, the way those great Presidents Obama mentions himself has changed the country is a great comparison.
When people tell me that our President has delivered his 7th State of the Union speech recently, I always correct their mistake and tell it was eighth, in fact. On February 24, 2009, the start of Barack Obama’s 2nd month in office, he made an extensive speech on then ongoing Great Recession crisis. He tried to show what his personal vision for a path out was and why it was aligned with a $787 billion stimulus law that was passed that same day. Also, Mr. President talked foreign politics on that same occasion.
He explained how well he will succeed in using diplomacy instead of Bush’s warmongering, strengthen old alliances and, all in all, spruce up US international image to a better one. He said: “living our values doesn’t make us weaker, it makes us safer and it makes us stronger.”
And I have to agree with him. And the funniest thing is probably that Obama still managed to accomplish pretty big steps during his Presidency. Such as the “Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare), or achieving some kind of ease of US image overseas. Anyways, the way those great Presidents Obama mentions himself has changed the country is a great comparison.
And I have to agree with him. And the funniest thing is probably that Obama still managed to accomplish pretty big steps during his Presidency. Such as the “Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare), or achieving some kind of ease of US image overseas. Anyways, the way those great Presidents Obama mentions himself has changed the country is a great comparison.
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